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Great newsletter issue. Amazing about SLC. I knew it was blue, but didn't realize it was SO progressive. Nice to know they go all-out for Pride. I also didn't know that about the renaming of Christopher Street Station. Very cool. I used to go through there a lot as a teenager coming into NYC from the NJ suburbs to hang out in the W Village.

Re habits, have you read James Clear's book, Atomic Habits? Habit stacking is one of his many hacks for establishing new habits, which is why I ask. I'd be lying if I said I used all of Clear's habit hacks, but habit stacking is one I use a fair amount. Like you, I live nomadically, which makes it impossible to always do my routine in the same place, and this has a way of blowing habits to smithereens. Anyway, if you haven't read the book, you might enjoy it and find some other hacks that work with your life.

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